Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why, Japan? Why?

Now that I've been in this country for two whole months, I feel sufficiently qualified to point out its fails.

1. No big fat notebooks!

They have notebooks, alright. But they're all so thin, they wouldn't last a week given my propensity to scrawl/doodle/make paper planes/whatever. I've searched every stationery store in the city and they're all the same thin ones.
What I want is a big. fat. notebook. That will last atleast a semester. Why do you do this to me, Japan?

2. No giantass bottles of lotion..

Is this like, a size thing? The largest bottle here, is what the rest of the world would call medium-sized. And it costs more than a bento dinner.
Again Japan. Fail.

3. No vegetarian food.

This is a personal peeve, as my other friends are reveling in the abundance of everything meat and fish.
But this country might as well put up a signboard that says, 'If you're a vegetarian, turn around and go back'.
There is nothing, repeat, nothing for you unless you're a touristy person with deep pockets.

4. Extremely inappropriate use of English/French

Its fine when you label stuff in English. I'll accept that. But whyy do you have to come up with a ridiculous description of said product in English?
For instance: 
And I found this in my uni parking lot. It made me cry.
(If you can't read it, it says 'fromage'. Who the hell wants to call their bicycle 'cheese'?)

And then,
Uhhh...whaaat? o.O

But then, I also live in a country that has these:

Though you drive me crazy, Japan. You're not all that bad.


  1. I'd like some Pink Pink, s';il vous plait!

  2. Sure thing. Would you like du fromage to go with it?
